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M5 U1 单元卷

时间:2019-09-23    作者:    阅读:

Module 5 Unit 1 Getting along with others
21. _____ most of China is frozen or at least quite cold, there’re some parts of the country’s south that are enjoying shorts and T-shirt weather during the winter months.
A. While B. Since C. Once D. Unless
22. One of the most central needs we have is for a sense of _____, since who we are matters terribly to all of us.
A. duty B. security C. reality D. identity
23. It’s hard to imagine _____ life would be like without the Internet at our fingertips.
A. which B. whose C. what D. that
24. Mr Richard made a long pause, clearly _____ by the thought that was in him.
A. scared B. overcome C. comforted D. inspired
25. An excellent lecturer can say what the audience desire or need to hear in a manner _____ they find interesting all the while.
A. as B. that C. by which D. in which
26. My cousin David is a very _____ boy; he is always knocking things over.
A. awkward B. cautious C. impolite D. patient
27. Mr Black had his disabled daughter _____ the school where she had studied for two years, wishing that she would have more friendly classmates.
A. left B. leave C. leaving D. being left
28. Alice, a 16-year-old, always said what she thought, _____ how much it might hurt someone else.
A. regardless of B. thanks to C. aside from D. rather than
29. We have failed many times in carrying our plans through in the last three months, but each time we _____ a new lesson.
A. learned B. have learned C. are learning D. had learned
30. My new secretary, who is only twenty-two years old, is very quick; she _____ a lot of work in one morning.
A. gets across B. gets into C. gets through D. gets up
31. Before you hand in your paper, you have to read it over and over to see if there is anything in it _____.
A. being revised B. having revised
C. to be revised D. having been revised
32. For some people, shopping for toys for kids _____ be a simple task, but for me, it is quite challenging.
A. needn’t B. might
C. shouldn’t D. shall
33. —I’m always feeling nervous before an examination.
—_____. Do believe your hard work will surely pay off.
A. Take a good rest B. Take your time
C. Take your turn     D. Take it easy
34. Why didn’t you tell me that you brought two heavy backpacks with you? If you _____ me, I would have picked you up at the airport.
A. told B. had told
C. were to tell D. would tell
35. —In my opinion, doing things for others is a powerful way to increase both their and our own happiness.
A. I’m with you on that B. It’s my pleasure
C. It’s up to you     D. I’d love to
I never thought that a fundraiser could have had such a huge influence on my life. Back in the 5th grade, our school announced a fundraiser and each class was given a box to fill up with small  36 . To help my class come to first place in the fundraiser, I took two fifty-dollar bills  37  to school and tossed (投掷) them into the box.
Two weeks later, my parents asked me about the  38 . They said they had discovered the truth and weren’t  39 , but I must do something to  40  it.
My dad had the perfect idea in mind. The day  41  Christmas, he took me to St. John’s Hospice in north Philadelphia, and explained to me that we were going to be  42  in the kitchen for several hours, making meals with potatoes and chicken for the 300-400  43  men that came in each day.
As the lunch began, I thought I could  44  this by playing with my new toys. But  45  the mealtime went on, I found these men were overjoyed at the  46  food they were receiving, which I couldn’t  47 . I considered it a fairly common winter meal. The men’s faces lit up with each portion of food they were given. I realized how poor some people in this world actually were.
I had always heard about giving to the needy, but I never fully  48  it until that day. It was enlightening to see how thankful they were for something I thought was 49 . I learned that I didn’t  50  need all the materialistic things I initially (最初地) desired. On the drive home, my dad  51  McDonald’s for lunch and I immediately answered no. I knew that I didn’t  52  it. 
That day I came to know how  53  a feeling  of helping people who are in need really is. I now return to St. John’s Hospice every year, trying to make a  54 . This is why I am becoming a doctor, thinking that in the future I will make a difference in people’s lives just like my father  55  on that December 26th.
36. A. change B. cards C. cloth D. books
37. A. typically B. seriously C. secretly D. carefully
38. A. prize B. money C. present D. box
39. A. angry B. shy C. wise D. calm
40. A. come up with B. make up for C. look back on D. get back to
41. A. after B. from C. over D. for
42. A. eating B. standing C. working D. sleeping
43. A. upset B. friendless C. disabled D. homeless
44. A. succeed in B. wait for C. get over D. leave out
45. A. as B. unless C. although D. since
46. A. fast B. healthy C. tasty D. simple
47. A. avoid B. believe C. possess D. remember
48. A. supported    B. accepted C. understood D. imagined
49. A. cheap B. funny C. useless D. silly
50. A. usually B. roughly C. firstly D. really
51. A. admitted B. insisted C. suggested D. required
52. A. doubt B. need C. notice D. gather
53. A. good B. mature C. similar D. familiar
54. A. plan B. record C. decision D. difference
55. A. took B. did C. enjoyed    D. promised
Welcome to the Travel Town Museum
Preserving the rich railroad heritage of Los Angeles
Museum Hours of Operation
●Travel Town is open daily (except Christmas Day).
●Monday through Friday: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
●For general information, please telephone the Operations Office at 323-662-5874.
●There is NO admission fee!
How to Get Here
●Travel Town is located at 5200 Zoo Drive, Los Angeles. Just 12 miles north of Downtown in beautiful Griffith Park, we’re next to the 134 Freeway at the Forest Lawn Drive exit.
Field Trips and Group Tours
●By Appointment Only!
●Phone: 323-668-0104.
Museum Gift Shop
●Open daily at 10:00 am (except Thanksgiving and Christmas Day).
●Close half an hour before the park closes.
●Phone: 323-662-4253.
Miniature (小型的) Train Rides
●For a different view of Travel Town, ride the miniature train which circles the museum for a small charge.
●Open daily at 10:00 am (except Christmas Day).
●Operated by GP Rah Enterprises, LLC.
●Phone: 323-662-9678.
Party and Event Rentals (租赁)
●Railroad cars and group picnic areas are available for your special occasions.
●For more information, call 323-662-5874.
Docent (讲解员) Guided Tours
●Tours are held on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 11:00 am until 3:00 pm.
●Group tours are available by reservation. For more information, call 323-668-0104.
56. What do we know about the Travel Town Museum?
A. It is free for visitors.
B. It opens all the year round.
C. It is operated by GP Rah Enterprises.
D. It holds Docent Guided Tours twice a month.
57. The guidebook is to inform visitors of the Museum’s _____.
A. advanced management
B. colorful group activities
C. basic services
D. unique train rides
Do speed limits apply to bicycles in the UK? The short answer to this question may be no but there are various bylaws in place that could impose (强制实行) speed limits on cyclists.
In general, British cyclists share no legal responsibility for obeying traffic laws on speed limits as motorists. Motor vehicle speed limits were introduced in 1903 and set at 20 mph. After this limit was routinely broken, the speed limit in towns was changed to 30 mph in 1934. Since then no laws have been introduced to make cyclists also observe the same regulations.
So cyclists who break the speed limit may not be prosecuted (起诉) for a speeding offence (违法行为) but they can, however, be prosecuted for “cycling furiously” under the Offences Against the Person Act 1861.
“Cycling furiously” is the closest offence to dangerous driving that a cyclist can be charged with although it can only ever be used when the circumstances of a cycling accident involve someone suffering injury or death as a direct result of the cyclist's actions.
In 2008 a cyclist crashed into a pedestrian (行人) in Weymouth after mounting the pavement on a blind bend to avoid a red traffic light. The cyclist was sentenced to seven months in prison after the man he crashed into died of his injuries.
Although a cyclist cannot actually be stopped for cycling furiously as the offence only applies unless at least an injury is suffered, it is possible for local bylaws to impose speed limits on cyclists.
It is also open to the police to prosecute cyclists for “careless riding”. For example, in the Box Hill area of Surrey so popular with cyclists, the police have posted leaflets warning cyclists against antisocial cycling. The main concern of the police, however, is a number of cyclists riding together and slowing the flow of traffic down.
For many years I have given legal advice and assistance to a lot of my customers who were involved in cycling accidents. But with the exception of local bylaws, I have never come across a cyclist being prosecuted for cycling too quickly on a road.
58. When can cyclists be prosecuted for cycling furiously?
A. When they run a red light.  
B. When they hurt someone else.  
C. When their speed reaches 30 mph.
D. When their speed reaches 20 mph.
59. What do we learn about the 2008 accident?
A. The offender went unpunished.  
B. The cyclist rode at low speeds.
C. A bicycle crashed into a car.
D. It caused the victim's death.  
60. Which of the following troubles police officers most?
A. The rising number of cycling accidents.  
B. Groups of cyclists slowing the traffic flow.
C. More British cyclists cycling in a careless way.
D. The difficulty of imposing speed limits on cyclists.
Robert and Howard had always gotten along well. They had worked on several projects together and considered each other friends. So when Robert discovered that Howard held a strategy meeting and had not included him, he felt betrayed. He immediately sent a text message to Howard: “I can’t believe you didn’t include me in that meeting!”
Howard was in the middle of a client meeting when his phone pinged with a new message. Stealing a look at his phone, he had mixed feelings: concern, anger, embarrassment, frustration, and defensiveness. The text distracted (使分心) Howard, and his meeting didn’t go as well as he had hoped. His anger grew as he thought about the fact that in a meeting earlier that week, Robert didn’t support an idea he proposed to Jane, their CEO. So as soon as Howard stepped out of his client meeting, he sent a reply to Robert: “I can’t believe you left me hanging in our meeting with Jane.”
Two little text messages managed to destroy a relationship that had been good for years. It took Robert and Howard weeks to be reconciled (言归于好) again, and even then they felt the damage linger. There are so many lessons in this brief but damaging exchange. Some are easy: Don’t text when you are angry. In fact, don’t communicate in the middle of any strong negative feeling. Most of us should not use writing to express anger, frustration or disappointment; the subtleties (细微的区别) of feelings are often lost in texts and emails. And, of course, never check your phone in the middle of a meeting.
Being a skillful communicator takes thoughtfulness. So much of our communication has become transactional (交易型的) — a word here, a sentence there — that we forget communication, in essence (本质上), is relational. It sounds simple, but in reality there is nothing simple about communicating, especially when emotions are involved. At one point or another we’ve all been Howard and we’ve all been Robert. In such situations it helps to ask instead of demanding and to start up a conversation rather than close it.
Before communicating, think about the outcome you’re aiming for, and then respond in a way that will help achieve that outcome. In Robert and Howard’s situation, the outcomes they wanted were very similar: to be connected, to be supported, and to be included. Yet their reactions to each other brought them the exact opposite. Once you know your outcome, identifying what you want to say is much easier. If you want to be closer to someone, “I’m hurt that you didn’t include me” is clearly a better choice than “I can’t believe you didn’t include me!” That small word difference represents a huge shift in meaning.     
Communication is a direct line into a complex web of emotions that explodes easily. Robert and Howard found out the hard way.
61. What made Howard angrier when he was having a client meeting?
A. An argument with their CEO.
B. The meeting not going well.
C. The thought of not receiving support from Robert earlier.
D. The unfriendly text message from Robert.
62. What’s the author’s attitude towards using writing to express negative feelings?
A. Disapproving. B. Doubtful. C. Uncertain. D. Curious.
63. According to Paragraph 4, communication is essentially for _____.
A. exchanging information
B. establishing relationships
C. expressing emotions
D. shaping one’s thinking
64. The last but one paragraph mainly talks about how to _____.
A. open a conversation
B. express your meaning properly
C. set communicating goals
D. communicate in an indirect way
The Mayan civilization had a considerable impact (影响) on the natural environment, and its effects are still being experienced today, a new study has revealed. Evidence from the lowlands of Central America has shown human activity dating back more than 2,000 years not only contributed to the decline (衰退) of the culture’s surroundings, but continues to influence conditions today.
Researchers say that the full extent of the “Mayacene” can be understood as a microcosm of the early Anthropocene — a period when human activity began greatly affecting environmental conditions. “Most popular sources talk about the Anthropocene and the human impact on climate since the Industrial Revolution, but we are looking at a deeper history,” said lead author Tim Beach, Professor of Geography and the Environment at the University of Texas. “Though it has no doubt accelerated in the last century, the human impact on the environment has been going on a lot longer.”
By analyzing the Mayan impacts on climate, vegetation, hydrology and lithosphere (rock and soil) 3,000 to 1,000 years ago, researchers discovered that Maya’s advanced urban and rural infrastructure (基础设施) changed ecosystems within important forests.
The researchers identified six markers that indicate a time of large-scale change. These include “Maya clay” rocks, unique soil sequences (土壤序列), carbon isotope ratios (碳同位素比), widespread chemical enrichment, building remains and landscape modifications, and signs of Maya-induced climate change. “These markers give us insight into how and why Mayas interacted with their environment, as well as the range of their activity,” said Sheryl Luzzadder-Beach, co-author and chair of the Department of Geography and the Environment.
Maya clay and soil sequences indicated erosion (侵蚀), human land-use changes and periods of instability. Soil profiles (剖面) near wetlands revealed the carbon isotope ratio increased due to agriculture and corn production, and researchers noted a three- to four-time increase in phosphorus (磷) throughout Maya-age sediments (沉积物). However, the most visual indication of human impact was found in building material remains and landscape modifications. Researchers believe that these clues reveal how Mayas used water management to adapt to climate change. “In studying the wetland systems, we were surprised to find a combination of human and natural contributions,” Luzzadder-Beach said. “Geochemical changes indicated that some wetlands were natural, while others were built landscapes used to grow crops away from the large population.”
“Historically, it’s common for people to talk about the bad that happened with past environmental changes, such as erosion and climate change from deforestation,” Beach said. “But we can learn a lot from how Mayas changed their environment to create vast field systems to grow more crops and respond to rising sea levels.”
While some studies suggest that deforestation and other land use contributed to warming and drying of the regional climate by the Classic Period around 1,700-1,100 years ago, many existing forests are still influenced by Mayan activities, with many structures, terraces (梯田) and wetlands still existing today, researchers said. “This work speaks of the deep history and complexity of human interactions with nature in a part of the world where we still have little knowledge about the natural environment,” Beach said.
65. The underlined word “microcosm” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to “_____”.
A. function   B. method C. model        D. process
66. The six markers help understand _____.
A. how Mayas survived in the forest     
B. the activity boundaries of Mayas
C. agricultural conditions of Mayas
D. how Mayas dealt with natural disasters
67. Which of the following most obviously shows the Mayan influence on nature?
A. Maya clay and soil.    
B. Carbon isotope ratios.  
C. Building material remains.
D. Chemical enrichment.
68. Which of the following may best describe the last but one paragraph?
A. Rome was not built in a day.       
B. Survival of the fittest.
C. Every coin has two sides.   
D. It is never too late to mend.
69. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A. Terraces were first created by Mayas.
B. It is difficult to understand human interactions with nature.
C. It was Mayan activities that caused climate change first in human history.
D. The study of Mayan activities is helpful for humans to learn about nature.
70. What would be the best title for the passage?
A. The ways Mayas impacted on the environment.
B. Mayan impact on the environment is still seen today.
C. The reasons for studying Mayan impact on the environment.
D. The subject of Mayan impact on the environment is being raised again.
第四部分:任务型阅读 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Impulse (冲动) shopping is something many people laugh off as a guilty pleasure. However, the reality is that it can actually be quite a damaging behavior that ends up having untold negative consequences for people’s lives. For instance, impulse shopping can result in buying lots of things you don’t need or want. This in turn may result in your getting into debt and even making your house a mess.
Making a purchase as an impulse shopper will result in a rush of dopamine (多巴胺), which gives you a good feeling. Over time your brain becomes used to the release (释放) of dopamine and then you need to get more “hits” to achieve the same high. What makes it worse is that so many marketing and sales strategies are designed to make you buy impulsively. For example, salesmen and saleswomen are taught to tell people that the person down the road has whatever product they’re selling. If they’re selling Sky they will say “The man with the white dog down your road, do you know him? He has Sky and he really likes it.” This then results in you trying to “keep up with the Joneses” by making a purchase. In another example, go into a supermarket and you’ll likely feel frustrated by how hard it is to find things. The reason is that the store manager has purposefully mixed things up in this way, so that you are more likely to walk past other things you might want to buy and thus make an impulse purchase.
Then what do you do about impulse shopping? Have a “wish list” in your kitchen or somewhere else. If your urge to buy something is too strong and you feel you must buy them right away, write down the things on the list. This way you’ll feel a lot less conflicted about the whole matter. Additionally, you can use various rules to limit your spending. For instance, you can make a budget with a spending limit each week and only buy things that are within your budget. Another option is you can buy something new only if you’ve sold something old. One of the best things you can do right now is to have a clear-out with one simple rule — anything that you haven’t used over a year should be thrown out or sold. That will help you massively “de-clutter (整理)” your household. Once you’ve realized how many things you don’t really need or want, then you can stop adding to your collections. Furthermore, once you’ve got a nicely designed house that’s easy to keep clean and tidy, then you won’t want to go back to having a house that’s in a mess.
Impulse shopping
Disadvantages of impulse shopping ●It can make you buy a lot of (71) _____ and unwanted things.
●It can make you get into debt and your house (72) _____.
(73) _____ of
impulse shopping
The dopamine released when you buy impulsively gradually makes you get into the (74) _____ of impulse shopping.
Many marketing and sales strategies make you buy things on impulse:
●Salesmen or saleswomen put pressure on you, encouraging you to (75) _____ yourself with others.
●The (76) _____ of goods in supermarkets can make you buy something on impulse.
Ways to overcome impulse shopping ●If you want to buy something (77) _____, write down the things to reduce your desire.
●Set some (78) _____ on shopping, such as only buying things within budget.
●(79) _____ your house to help you realize the importance of not adding to your (80) _____ and keeping a nicely designed house.
第五部分:书面表达 (满分25分)
Friends are those people who come into our lives and leave footprints in such a way that we are never ever the same again. They are people who walk in when others walk out. Friends enrich our lives. Friendship is the most special relationship of all that we possess in our entire lives, for it is the foundation and base of all. Friendship Day is celebrated to honor the true spirit of being “friends forever”. It gives us an opportunity to display our feelings and make our friends feel special and great.
International or National Friendship Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of August every year. On Friendship Day, the great feeling for friends is expressed in various ways, such as gifts, cards, flowers, poems, thoughts, friendship quotes, friendship SMS, cookies, chocolates, souvenirs, a tape of favorite songs, dinners and welcome balloons.
Friendship Day is also a golden opportunity to make contact with our long-lost friends. Old friends, separated by geographical distance, are often called up on this day to rejuvenate (使恢复活力) their friendship. Many people choose the Internet to make contact with their old friends. They send nice Friendship Day e-cards to express love and warmth to each other.
Friendship Day is a great day to express our appreciation for our schoolmates, colleagues, siblings, partners, parents, neighbors and cyber friends, in short all those who have played the role of a friend in different stages of our lives.
1. 用约30个单词写出上文概要;
2. 用约120个单词说明你认为应如何建立或发展友谊。
1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;
2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;
3. 不必写标题。
21-25 ADCBB 26-30 ABAAC
31-35 CBDBA 36-40 ACBAB  
41-45 ACDCA   46-50 DBCAD  
51-55 CBADB 56-60 ACBDB
61-65 CABBC 66-70 BCCDB
71. unnecessary 72. messy 73. Causes 74. habit
75. compare 76. arrangement 77. immediately 78. limits
79. Tidy 80. collections
One possible version:
  Friends make a big difference to our life. On Friendship Day, we often show our appreciation for our friends in various ways and make contact with our long-lost friends.
  Friends are priceless treasures of our life. When in trouble, we need friends to offer us help and encouragement. With success achieved, we also need friends to share our joys. To develop a friendship, being honest should be put in the first place. No one is willing to make friends with dishonest people. What’s more, we’d better learn to be more tolerant. No two people are exactly the same in the world. Conflicts cannot be avoided, so it’s better for us to learn to solve problems in a wise way. Last but not least, always remember a basic rule — never do to others what we would not like them to do to ourselves. Only in this way can we develop true and long friendships.
Module 5 Unit 1 Getting along with others
21. _____ most of China is frozen or at least quite cold, there’re some parts of the country’s south that are enjoying shorts and T-shirt weather during the winter months.
A. While B. Since C. Once D. Unless
22. One of the most central needs we have is for a sense of _____, since who we are matters terribly to all of us.
A. duty B. security C. reality D. identity
23. It’s hard to imagine _____ life would be like without the Internet at our fingertips.
A. which B. whose C. what D. that
24. Mr Richard made a long pause, clearly _____ by the thought that was in him.
A. scared B. overcome C. comforted D. inspired
25. An excellent lecturer can say what the audience desire or need to hear in a manner _____ they find interesting all the while.
A. as B. that C. by which D. in which
26. My cousin David is a very _____ boy; he is always knocking things over.
A. awkward B. cautious C. impolite D. patient
27. Mr Black had his disabled daughter _____ the school where she had studied for two years, wishing that she would have more friendly classmates.
A. left B. leave C. leaving D. being left
28. Alice, a 16-year-old, always said what she thought, _____ how much it might hurt someone else.
A. regardless of B. thanks to C. aside from D. rather than
29. We have failed many times in carrying our plans through in the last three months, but each time we _____ a new lesson.
A. learned B. have learned C. are learning D. had learned
30. My new secretary, who is only twenty-two years old, is very quick; she _____ a lot of work in one morning.
A. gets across B. gets into C. gets through D. gets up
31. Before you hand in your paper, you have to read it over and over to see if there is anything in it _____.
A. being revised B. having revised
C. to be revised D. having been revised
32. For some people, shopping for toys for kids _____ be a simple task, but for me, it is quite challenging.
A. needn’t B. might
C. shouldn’t D. shall
33. —I’m always feeling nervous before an examination.
—_____. Do believe your hard work will surely pay off.
A. Take a good rest B. Take your time
C. Take your turn     D. Take it easy
34. Why didn’t you tell me that you brought two heavy backpacks with you? If you _____ me, I would have picked you up at the airport.
A. told B. had told
C. were to tell D. would tell
35. —In my opinion, doing things for others is a powerful way to increase both their and our own happiness.
A. I’m with you on that B. It’s my pleasure
C. It’s up to you     D. I’d love to
I never thought that a fundraiser could have had such a huge influence on my life. Back in the 5th grade, our school announced a fundraiser and each class was given a box to fill up with small  36 . To help my class come to first place in the fundraiser, I took two fifty-dollar bills  37  to school and tossed (投掷) them into the box.
Two weeks later, my parents asked me about the  38 . They said they had discovered the truth and weren’t  39 , but I must do something to  40  it.
My dad had the perfect idea in mind. The day  41  Christmas, he took me to St. John’s Hospice in north Philadelphia, and explained to me that we were going to be  42  in the kitchen for several hours, making meals with potatoes and chicken for the 300-400  43  men that came in each day.
As the lunch began, I thought I could  44  this by playing with my new toys. But  45  the mealtime went on, I found these men were overjoyed at the  46  food they were receiving, which I couldn’t  47 . I considered it a fairly common winter meal. The men’s faces lit up with each portion of food they were given. I realized how poor some people in this world actually were.
I had always heard about giving to the needy, but I never fully  48  it until that day. It was enlightening to see how thankful they were for something I thought was 49 . I learned that I didn’t  50  need all the materialistic things I initially (最初地) desired. On the drive home, my dad  51  McDonald’s for lunch and I immediately answered no. I knew that I didn’t  52  it. 
That day I came to know how  53  a feeling  of helping people who are in need really is. I now return to St. John’s Hospice every year, trying to make a  54 . This is why I am becoming a doctor, thinking that in the future I will make a difference in people’s lives just like my father  55  on that December 26th.
36. A. change B. cards C. cloth D. books
37. A. typically B. seriously C. secretly D. carefully
38. A. prize B. money C. present D. box
39. A. angry B. shy C. wise D. calm
40. A. come up with B. make up for C. look back on D. get back to
41. A. after B. from C. over D. for
42. A. eating B. standing C. working D. sleeping
43. A. upset B. friendless C. disabled D. homeless
44. A. succeed in B. wait for C. get over D. leave out
45. A. as B. unless C. although D. since
46. A. fast B. healthy C. tasty D. simple
47. A. avoid B. believe C. possess D. remember
48. A. supported    B. accepted C. understood D. imagined
49. A. cheap B. funny C. useless D. silly
50. A. usually B. roughly C. firstly D. really
51. A. admitted B. insisted C. suggested D. required
52. A. doubt B. need C. notice D. gather
53. A. good B. mature C. similar D. familiar
54. A. plan B. record C. decision D. difference
55. A. took B. did C. enjoyed    D. promised
Welcome to the Travel Town Museum
Preserving the rich railroad heritage of Los Angeles
Museum Hours of Operation
●Travel Town is open daily (except Christmas Day).
●Monday through Friday: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
●For general information, please telephone the Operations Office at 323-662-5874.
●There is NO admission fee!
How to Get Here
●Travel Town is located at 5200 Zoo Drive, Los Angeles. Just 12 miles north of Downtown in beautiful Griffith Park, we’re next to the 134 Freeway at the Forest Lawn Drive exit.
Field Trips and Group Tours
●By Appointment Only!
●Phone: 323-668-0104.
Museum Gift Shop
●Open daily at 10:00 am (except Thanksgiving and Christmas Day).
●Close half an hour before the park closes.
●Phone: 323-662-4253.
Miniature (小型的) Train Rides
●For a different view of Travel Town, ride the miniature train which circles the museum for a small charge.
●Open daily at 10:00 am (except Christmas Day).
●Operated by GP Rah Enterprises, LLC.
●Phone: 323-662-9678.
Party and Event Rentals (租赁)
●Railroad cars and group picnic areas are available for your special occasions.
●For more information, call 323-662-5874.
Docent (讲解员) Guided Tours
●Tours are held on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 11:00 am until 3:00 pm.
●Group tours are available by reservation. For more information, call 323-668-0104.
56. What do we know about the Travel Town Museum?
A. It is free for visitors.
B. It opens all the year round.
C. It is operated by GP Rah Enterprises.
D. It holds Docent Guided Tours twice a month.
57. The guidebook is to inform visitors of the Museum’s _____.
A. advanced management
B. colorful group activities
C. basic services
D. unique train rides
Do speed limits apply to bicycles in the UK? The short answer to this question may be no but there are various bylaws in place that could impose (强制实行) speed limits on cyclists.
In general, British cyclists share no legal responsibility for obeying traffic laws on speed limits as motorists. Motor vehicle speed limits were introduced in 1903 and set at 20 mph. After this limit was routinely broken, the speed limit in towns was changed to 30 mph in 1934. Since then no laws have been introduced to make cyclists also observe the same regulations.
So cyclists who break the speed limit may not be prosecuted (起诉) for a speeding offence (违法行为) but they can, however, be prosecuted for “cycling furiously” under the Offences Against the Person Act 1861.
“Cycling furiously” is the closest offence to dangerous driving that a cyclist can be charged with although it can only ever be used when the circumstances of a cycling accident involve someone suffering injury or death as a direct result of the cyclist's actions.
In 2008 a cyclist crashed into a pedestrian (行人) in Weymouth after mounting the pavement on a blind bend to avoid a red traffic light. The cyclist was sentenced to seven months in prison after the man he crashed into died of his injuries.
Although a cyclist cannot actually be stopped for cycling furiously as the offence only applies unless at least an injury is suffered, it is possible for local bylaws to impose speed limits on cyclists.
It is also open to the police to prosecute cyclists for “careless riding”. For example, in the Box Hill area of Surrey so popular with cyclists, the police have posted leaflets warning cyclists against antisocial cycling. The main concern of the police, however, is a number of cyclists riding together and slowing the flow of traffic down.
For many years I have given legal advice and assistance to a lot of my customers who were involved in cycling accidents. But with the exception of local bylaws, I have never come across a cyclist being prosecuted for cycling too quickly on a road.
58. When can cyclists be prosecuted for cycling furiously?
A. When they run a red light.  
B. When they hurt someone else.  
C. When their speed reaches 30 mph.
D. When their speed reaches 20 mph.
59. What do we learn about the 2008 accident?
A. The offender went unpunished.  
B. The cyclist rode at low speeds.
C. A bicycle crashed into a car.
D. It caused the victim's death.  
60. Which of the following troubles police officers most?
A. The rising number of cycling accidents.  
B. Groups of cyclists slowing the traffic flow.
C. More British cyclists cycling in a careless way.
D. The difficulty of imposing speed limits on cyclists.
Robert and Howard had always gotten along well. They had worked on several projects together and considered each other friends. So when Robert discovered that Howard held a strategy meeting and had not included him, he felt betrayed. He immediately sent a text message to Howard: “I can’t believe you didn’t include me in that meeting!”
Howard was in the middle of a client meeting when his phone pinged with a new message. Stealing a look at his phone, he had mixed feelings: concern, anger, embarrassment, frustration, and defensiveness. The text distracted (使分心) Howard, and his meeting didn’t go as well as he had hoped. His anger grew as he thought about the fact that in a meeting earlier that week, Robert didn’t support an idea he proposed to Jane, their CEO. So as soon as Howard stepped out of his client meeting, he sent a reply to Robert: “I can’t believe you left me hanging in our meeting with Jane.”
Two little text messages managed to destroy a relationship that had been good for years. It took Robert and Howard weeks to be reconciled (言归于好) again, and even then they felt the damage linger. There are so many lessons in this brief but damaging exchange. Some are easy: Don’t text when you are angry. In fact, don’t communicate in the middle of any strong negative feeling. Most of us should not use writing to express anger, frustration or disappointment; the subtleties (细微的区别) of feelings are often lost in texts and emails. And, of course, never check your phone in the middle of a meeting.
Being a skillful communicator takes thoughtfulness. So much of our communication has become transactional (交易型的) — a word here, a sentence there — that we forget communication, in essence (本质上), is relational. It sounds simple, but in reality there is nothing simple about communicating, especially when emotions are involved. At one point or another we’ve all been Howard and we’ve all been Robert. In such situations it helps to ask instead of demanding and to start up a conversation rather than close it.
Before communicating, think about the outcome you’re aiming for, and then respond in a way that will help achieve that outcome. In Robert and Howard’s situation, the outcomes they wanted were very similar: to be connected, to be supported, and to be included. Yet their reactions to each other brought them the exact opposite. Once you know your outcome, identifying what you want to say is much easier. If you want to be closer to someone, “I’m hurt that you didn’t include me” is clearly a better choice than “I can’t believe you didn’t include me!” That small word difference represents a huge shift in meaning.     
Communication is a direct line into a complex web of emotions that explodes easily. Robert and Howard found out the hard way.
61. What made Howard angrier when he was having a client meeting?
A. An argument with their CEO.
B. The meeting not going well.
C. The thought of not receiving support from Robert earlier.
D. The unfriendly text message from Robert.
62. What’s the author’s attitude towards using writing to express negative feelings?
A. Disapproving. B. Doubtful. C. Uncertain. D. Curious.
63. According to Paragraph 4, communication is essentially for _____.
A. exchanging information
B. establishing relationships
C. expressing emotions
D. shaping one’s thinking
64. The last but one paragraph mainly talks about how to _____.
A. open a conversation
B. express your meaning properly
C. set communicating goals
D. communicate in an indirect way
The Mayan civilization had a considerable impact (影响) on the natural environment, and its effects are still being experienced today, a new study has revealed. Evidence from the lowlands of Central America has shown human activity dating back more than 2,000 years not only contributed to the decline (衰退) of the culture’s surroundings, but continues to influence conditions today.
Researchers say that the full extent of the “Mayacene” can be understood as a microcosm of the early Anthropocene — a period when human activity began greatly affecting environmental conditions. “Most popular sources talk about the Anthropocene and the human impact on climate since the Industrial Revolution, but we are looking at a deeper history,” said lead author Tim Beach, Professor of Geography and the Environment at the University of Texas. “Though it has no doubt accelerated in the last century, the human impact on the environment has been going on a lot longer.”
By analyzing the Mayan impacts on climate, vegetation, hydrology and lithosphere (rock and soil) 3,000 to 1,000 years ago, researchers discovered that Maya’s advanced urban and rural infrastructure (基础设施) changed ecosystems within important forests.
The researchers identified six markers that indicate a time of large-scale change. These include “Maya clay” rocks, unique soil sequences (土壤序列), carbon isotope ratios (碳同位素比), widespread chemical enrichment, building remains and landscape modifications, and signs of Maya-induced climate change. “These markers give us insight into how and why Mayas interacted with their environment, as well as the range of their activity,” said Sheryl Luzzadder-Beach, co-author and chair of the Department of Geography and the Environment.
Maya clay and soil sequences indicated erosion (侵蚀), human land-use changes and periods of instability. Soil profiles (剖面) near wetlands revealed the carbon isotope ratio increased due to agriculture and corn production, and researchers noted a three- to four-time increase in phosphorus (磷) throughout Maya-age sediments (沉积物). However, the most visual indication of human impact was found in building material remains and landscape modifications. Researchers believe that these clues reveal how Mayas used water management to adapt to climate change. “In studying the wetland systems, we were surprised to find a combination of human and natural contributions,” Luzzadder-Beach said. “Geochemical changes indicated that some wetlands were natural, while others were built landscapes used to grow crops away from the large population.”
“Historically, it’s common for people to talk about the bad that happened with past environmental changes, such as erosion and climate change from deforestation,” Beach said. “But we can learn a lot from how Mayas changed their environment to create vast field systems to grow more crops and respond to rising sea levels.”
While some studies suggest that deforestation and other land use contributed to warming and drying of the regional climate by the Classic Period around 1,700-1,100 years ago, many existing forests are still influenced by Mayan activities, with many structures, terraces (梯田) and wetlands still existing today, researchers said. “This work speaks of the deep history and complexity of human interactions with nature in a part of the world where we still have little knowledge about the natural environment,” Beach said.
65. The underlined word “microcosm” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to “_____”.
A. function   B. method C. model        D. process
66. The six markers help understand _____.
A. how Mayas survived in the forest     
B. the activity boundaries of Mayas
C. agricultural conditions of Mayas
D. how Mayas dealt with natural disasters
67. Which of the following most obviously shows the Mayan influence on nature?
A. Maya clay and soil.    
B. Carbon isotope ratios.  
C. Building material remains.
D. Chemical enrichment.
68. Which of the following may best describe the last but one paragraph?
A. Rome was not built in a day.       
B. Survival of the fittest.
C. Every coin has two sides.   
D. It is never too late to mend.
69. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A. Terraces were first created by Mayas.
B. It is difficult to understand human interactions with nature.
C. It was Mayan activities that caused climate change first in human history.
D. The study of Mayan activities is helpful for humans to learn about nature.
70. What would be the best title for the passage?
A. The ways Mayas impacted on the environment.
B. Mayan impact on the environment is still seen today.
C. The reasons for studying Mayan impact on the environment.
D. The subject of Mayan impact on the environment is being raised again.
第四部分:任务型阅读 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Impulse (冲动) shopping is something many people laugh off as a guilty pleasure. However, the reality is that it can actually be quite a damaging behavior that ends up having untold negative consequences for people’s lives. For instance, impulse shopping can result in buying lots of things you don’t need or want. This in turn may result in your getting into debt and even making your house a mess.
Making a purchase as an impulse shopper will result in a rush of dopamine (多巴胺), which gives you a good feeling. Over time your brain becomes used to the release (释放) of dopamine and then you need to get more “hits” to achieve the same high. What makes it worse is that so many marketing and sales strategies are designed to make you buy impulsively. For example, salesmen and saleswomen are taught to tell people that the person down the road has whatever product they’re selling. If they’re selling Sky they will say “The man with the white dog down your road, do you know him? He has Sky and he really likes it.” This then results in you trying to “keep up with the Joneses” by making a purchase. In another example, go into a supermarket and you’ll likely feel frustrated by how hard it is to find things. The reason is that the store manager has purposefully mixed things up in this way, so that you are more likely to walk past other things you might want to buy and thus make an impulse purchase.
Then what do you do about impulse shopping? Have a “wish list” in your kitchen or somewhere else. If your urge to buy something is too strong and you feel you must buy them right away, write down the things on the list. This way you’ll feel a lot less conflicted about the whole matter. Additionally, you can use various rules to limit your spending. For instance, you can make a budget with a spending limit each week and only buy things that are within your budget. Another option is you can buy something new only if you’ve sold something old. One of the best things you can do right now is to have a clear-out with one simple rule — anything that you haven’t used over a year should be thrown out or sold. That will help you massively “de-clutter (整理)” your household. Once you’ve realized how many things you don’t really need or want, then you can stop adding to your collections. Furthermore, once you’ve got a nicely designed house that’s easy to keep clean and tidy, then you won’t want to go back to having a house that’s in a mess.
Impulse shopping
Disadvantages of impulse shopping ●It can make you buy a lot of (71) _____ and unwanted things.
●It can make you get into debt and your house (72) _____.
(73) _____ of
impulse shopping
The dopamine released when you buy impulsively gradually makes you get into the (74) _____ of impulse shopping.
Many marketing and sales strategies make you buy things on impulse:
●Salesmen or saleswomen put pressure on you, encouraging you to (75) _____ yourself with others.
●The (76) _____ of goods in supermarkets can make you buy something on impulse.
Ways to overcome impulse shopping ●If you want to buy something (77) _____, write down the things to reduce your desire.
●Set some (78) _____ on shopping, such as only buying things within budget.
●(79) _____ your house to help you realize the importance of not adding to your (80) _____ and keeping a nicely designed house.
第五部分:书面表达 (满分25分)
Friends are those people who come into our lives and leave footprints in such a way that we are never ever the same again. They are people who walk in when others walk out. Friends enrich our lives. Friendship is the most special relationship of all that we possess in our entire lives, for it is the foundation and base of all. Friendship Day is celebrated to honor the true spirit of being “friends forever”. It gives us an opportunity to display our feelings and make our friends feel special and great.
International or National Friendship Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of August every year. On Friendship Day, the great feeling for friends is expressed in various ways, such as gifts, cards, flowers, poems, thoughts, friendship quotes, friendship SMS, cookies, chocolates, souvenirs, a tape of favorite songs, dinners and welcome balloons.
Friendship Day is also a golden opportunity to make contact with our long-lost friends. Old friends, separated by geographical distance, are often called up on this day to rejuvenate (使恢复活力) their friendship. Many people choose the Internet to make contact with their old friends. They send nice Friendship Day e-cards to express love and warmth to each other.
Friendship Day is a great day to express our appreciation for our schoolmates, colleagues, siblings, partners, parents, neighbors and cyber friends, in short all those who have played the role of a friend in different stages of our lives.
1. 用约30个单词写出上文概要;
2. 用约120个单词说明你认为应如何建立或发展友谊。
1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;
2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;
3. 不必写标题。
21-25 ADCBB 26-30 ABAAC
31-35 CBDBA 36-40 ACBAB  
41-45 ACDCA   46-50 DBCAD  
51-55 CBADB 56-60 ACBDB
61-65 CABBC 66-70 BCCDB
71. unnecessary 72. messy 73. Causes 74. habit
75. compare 76. arrangement 77. immediately 78. limits
79. Tidy 80. collections
One possible version:
  Friends make a big difference to our life. On Friendship Day, we often show our appreciation for our friends in various ways and make contact with our long-lost friends.
  Friends are priceless treasures of our life. When in trouble, we need friends to offer us help and encouragement. With success achieved, we also need friends to share our joys. To develop a friendship, being honest should be put in the first place. No one is willing to make friends with dishonest people. What’s more, we’d better learn to be more tolerant. No two people are exactly the same in the world. Conflicts cannot be avoided, so it’s better for us to learn to solve problems in a wise way. Last but not least, always remember a basic rule — never do to others what we would not like them to do to ourselves. Only in this way can we develop true and long friendships.

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