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M5 U 2 单元卷

时间:2019-09-23    作者:    阅读:

Unit 2 The environment
21. We have no more right to enjoy happiness without producing it than to _____ wealth without producing it.
A. influence B. lose C. divide D. consume
22. Some researchers believe there is no doubt _____ a cure for cancer will be found sooner or later.
A. which B. that C. what D. whether
23. Our life is tied to the food we eat, the water we drink and the places where we relax. That’s why we promote _____ and responsibility when it comes to our natural resources.
A. organization B. presentation
C. production D. conservation
24. The research group followed 750 pairs of twins from the ages of 10 months to two years, _____ the growth in each child’s mental ability over this period.
A. measured B. measure
C. measuring D. having measured
25. _____ their English, the speaker advises students who plan to further their study in Britain to have private English lessons when they arrive.
A. In place of B. In regard to
C. In return for D. In terms of
26. Christopher Columbus is generally considered _____ America but recent years have seen some different opinions.
A. to discover B. discovering
C. to have discovered D. having discovered
27. As people don’t read books as much as they did 20 years ago, in many countries, the number of bookstores _____.
A. has been decreasing B. was decreasing
C. will have decreased D. decreased
28. Time and health are precious but many of us don’t _____ and recognize them until they have been lost.
A. appreciate B. impress C. fuel D. defend
29. The chairman of the company will not permit the change in the project; nor _____ it a thought.
A. does he even give B. he even gives
C. he will even give D. will he even give
30. Every change in an actor’s lines requires that screenwriters make difficult choices — and _____, difficult cuts.
A. in conclusion B. in particular
C. in common D. in case
31. You’d better not leave the glass of hot water _____ kids can get it.
A. until B. whether C. where D. however
32. The wide world is all about you: you can _____ yourselves in and stay in your comfort zone, but you cannot separate yourself from it forever.
A. fence B. knock C. push D. lead
33. —I’m going to Hawaii for the summer holiday.
—_____. I wish I could travel abroad as well.
A. It doesn’t matter B. Forget it
C. I can’t agree more D. I really envy you
34. Teachers complain that more of their time is taken up with administration than with teaching, _____ has indirectly slowed down students’ academic progress.
A. who B. which C. when D. where
35. The tendency to connect those who look and behave differently with _____ activities is obviously wrong. Don’t judge a book by its cover.
A. economic B. psychological
C. illegal D. protective
One cold December morning, my dad and I were walking along the sidewalk to a store to buy Christmas presents. Suddenly a car went out of  36  and ran into us. Pushed away by my dad, I was  37  while he was unable to escape and got injured. My dad  38  his unconditional love to me by what he had done. Since that day, I have  39  the power of unconditional love and the lessons it can teach to those who take anything for granted, as I  40  did.
People wander into our lives for some reason, but each one has something to  41  us. Whether the  42  is an entirely positive (积极的) one or not, there remains something to be gained from every person we  43 . Even the driver who  44  the accident helped teach me that with unconditional love we can deal with all kinds of difficulties. I have come to view  45  in this way. Sometimes, when schoolwork gets tough and I feel  46 , I remind myself that I am here to gain knowledge. How  47  it is to be able to have the chance to study! This unconditional love I have for learning  48  me to see the world through rose-colored glasses, and helps me have more  49  in myself.  Moreover,  it  offers  me  the  power  to  50    insight into a constantly changing world and  51  myself for challenges that I realize can always be   52  with unconditional love and passion for life. I have curiosity, so I  53  challenges that will help me grow. I approach everything with vigor (活力) and interest, and see the  54  for education around every corner, on every page, and even from every  55  I take.
36. A. sight B. reach C. control D. order
37. A. safe B. regretful   C. satisfied D. painful
38. A. translated B. proved C. wrote D. reported
39. A. shared B. changed C. known D. ignored
40. A. once B. seldom C. just D. still
41. A. hide B. teach C. follow D. remember
42. A. task B. result C. attitude D. relationship
43. A. greet B. meet C. admire D. believe
44. A. caused B. avoided C. witnessed D. prevented
45. A. power B. wealth C. nature D. education
46. A. ashamed B. touched C. surprised D. puzzled
47. A. wonderful B. mysterious C. practical D. challenging
48. A. persuades B. expects C. allows D. advises
49. A. performance B. independence  C. balance D. confidence
50. A. produce B. gather C. gain D. show
51. A. forgive B. blame C. praise D. equip
52. A. replaced B. tested C. overcome D. improved
53. A. put away B. look for C. suffer from D. worry about
54. A. chance B. benefit C. support D. desire
55. A. breath B. fall C. measure D. responsibility
CCE Summer Camp in the US
for Chinese Students
East and West Coast Programs
Program purposes
• Promote exchange and friendship between young students of China and the US.
• Deepen students’ understanding of the world.
• Broaden students’ vision (视野) and enrich students’ experience.
• Encourage pursuit (追求) of excellence in life and career.
• Cultivate good conduct (行为) and respectful behavior.
• Develop communication and leadership skills.
Program features
• Lectures including English language courses, American culture courses, SAT and TOEFL training.
• Workshops on professional and practical topics such as the college application process, SAT preparation, career planning, the code of conduct, social / business etiquette (礼仪), leadership and communication skills.
• Home stay or college campus stay.
• Student exchange activities and meetings with US peers.
• Visits to US higher education institution campus, including finest liberal arts colleges and world-famous comprehensive research universities.
• Visits to educational venues (场所) such as art and science museums and libraries.
• Introduction to professional fields such as science, business and political science including visits to city halls, Silicon Valley and science labs.
• Carefully selected culture venues such as world-famous landmarks.
• Tour of selected US cities such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Santa Monica, Washington D.C., Philadelphia, New York, depending on if programs include East Coast visits.
Program time frame
From June to August during the summer.
Program hosts
• A US university or a US high school.
• Council on China Exchange (CCE) based in Los Angeles.
• A reliable (可信赖的) travel agency based in Los Angeles.
• A participating (参与的) Chinese high school or Chinese university.
Program contact information
Ying Cao, US Summer Program Manager
Council on China Exchange, Los Angeles
2339 Weatherford Court, Claremont, CA 91711
Tel: 909-967-3797
Email: yycao828@gmail.com
56. Which of the following activities is NOT included in the programs?
A. Visiting a liberal arts college.
B. Making a tour of Los Angeles.
C. Having a workshop on career planning.
D. Attending a lecture about social etiquette.
57. Which of the following Chinese students have the opportunity to attend the programs?
A. Elementary students.
B. Junior high school students.
C. College students.
D. Graduate students.
What do you think the future will hold? Flying cars? Robots that do your homework? Humans living on Mars?
In 1989, director Robert Zemeckis created a movie about the future he imagined. The film, called Back to the Future Part II, was the second in a series of three. It told the story of Marty McFly and his strange companion, Doc Brown, as they traveled through time to save Marty and his family from Marty's nemesis (复仇者), Biff Tannen. The far-off future they experienced was October 21, 2015.
Set in 1985, the movie begins with Marty and his girlfriend, Jennifer, in front of Marty's home. All of a sudden, Doc Brown appears and warns Marty that something has gone wrong and they need to travel to the future immediately to fix it.
The three jump into a trash-powered car, called the DeLorean, and take off. “Where we're going we don't need roads,” Doc tells Marty as they burst into the sky.
When they arrive in 2015, they find themselves in a futuristic town with hoverboards (悬浮滑板), 3D movie advertisements, hand-held computers, and people wearing strange clothing with self-lacing shoes.
People across the country celebrated Back to the Future Day with movie screenings and more. In New York City, a special fleet (车队) of DeLoreans gave taxi rides. Technology company Arx Pax released a new hoverboard, a technology made famous by the movie. And the town of Reston, Virginia, ceremonially changed its name to Hill Valley, Marty's fictional hometown, from October 21 to 25.
While the future that Zemeckis imagined isn't quite like the world we have today, the ambitious director didn't get it completely wrong. Technology such as drones (无人飞机), video-phones, and  hands-free video games were all featured in the film. Back to the Future Part II even predicted that the Chicago Cubs would win the World Series, which they would eventually win only a year later in 2016.
Despite all of the excitement surrounding Back to the Future Day, there is one thing we can say for sure we won't see in the future — another Back to the Future movie. According to Zemeckis, it will never happen.
58. What do we know about the movie mentioned in the passage?
A. It was set in 1989.
B. It was released in 2015.
C. It was based on a true story.
D. It was the second part of a trilogy.
59. What does Paragraph 5 mainly discuss?
A. The main influence of the movie.
B. The main characters of the movie.
C. The future life pictured in the movie.
D. The amazing special effects of the movie.
60. What can we infer about Zemeckis from the passage?
A. He got some of his 2015 predictions right.
B. He starred in Back to the Future Part II.
C. He changed Reston to Hill Valley.
D. He will not produce any movies.
A new school in Uruguay is teaching students about environmental sustainability (可持续性) and practicing what it teaches. The school in the small town of Jaureguiberry was built with recycled materials, most of which were collected from the community (社区). Solar energy powers the school. The school also uses filtered (滤过的) rainwater. The students learn to grow their own organic (有机的) food. And, a regular curriculum (课程) is combined with lessons on farming, recycling and water conservation. The 43 students at the school grow their own crops like tomatoes and strawberries. The food they grow they get to eat too.
The Uruguayan organization Tagma developed this school called Public School No. 294. Tagma supports responsible and sustainable ways of living and using natural resources. US architect (建筑师) Michael Reynolds designed the school which opened in February, 2016. Reynolds is known for his opinion of sustainable building designs.
This alternative school system is popular with the students. One of them, Felipe Sanchez, says the curriculum makes him more interested in class. “In my other school, we didn’t plant anything and it was not fun. I was bored and my friends did not understand me or treat me well. In this school, my friends like me and we can plant and do a lot of things.”
The school tries to support a culture of community in the classroom. Students from different grades learn together and help each other. Rita Montans is a teacher at Public School No. 294. She says, “Our core teaching (核心教学) is based on the principles of sustainability, environmental protection, and coexistence (共存), so naturally it creates an environment where it is easier to establish relations. The multi-grade system enables (使能够) a fourth-grade child to study with a third-grade student and monitor him or her. A second-grade student can be in pre-school and a first-grade child can be with the third-grade students.”
The school is still young. But its teachers and administrators are hopeful that the lessons their students are learning will last a lifetime. Rita Montans says, “I hope that when younger children graduate from here, they take away with them this seed we sowed just like we grow plants in the nursery, and that the ideas of protecting the environment and living in harmony with the environment remain important.”
61. The author develops the first paragraph mainly by _____.
A. providing examples
B. analyzing cause and effect
C. making comparisons
D. following the order of time
62. What do we know about the new school according to the passage?
A. It hasn’t been named officially.
B. It was designed by a local architect.
C. It was opened the year before last year.
D. It is a model of using natural resources.
63. What’s the main idea of Paragraph 4?
A. The teaching principles of the new school.
B. The method of creating a relaxed atmosphere in class.
C. The way to practice the community culture at the new school.
D. The differences between the school culture and the community culture.
64. The underlined words “this seed” in the last paragraph most probably refer to “_____”.
A. a tomato seed
B. the labor skill lesson
C. a monitoring approach
D. the environmental awareness
Barbara Fredrickson, a psychologist at the University of North Carolina, has done much work on fostering (培养) positive emotions (情绪). She has a theory that accumulating (积累) brief moments of positivity can, over time, result in greater overall well-being.
The research that Dr. Fredrickson and others have done shows that the extent (程度) to which we can develop positive emotions from even everyday activities can determine who lives healthily and happily and who doesn’t. More than a sudden stroke of good fortune, repeated brief moments of positive feelings can provide a buffer (缓冲) against stress and depression (沮丧) and promote both physical and mental health, their studies show.
This is not to say that one must always be positive to be healthy and happy. Clearly, there are times and situations that naturally result in negative (消极的) feelings in the most optimistic human beings. Worry, sadness, anger and other such “downers” have their place in any normal life. But always viewing the glass as half-empty is harmful both physically and mentally and prevents one’s ability to recover from life’s unavoidable stresses.
Negative feelings activate a region of the brain called the amygdala (杏仁核), which is involved in processing fear and anxiety and other emotions. Dr. Richard Davidson, a neuroscientist and founder of the Center for Healthy Minds at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, has shown that people in whom the amygdala recovers slowly from a threat are at greater risk of developing a variety of health problems than those in whom it recovers quickly.
Both Dr. Davidson and Dr. Fredrickson and their colleagues have shown that the brain is “plastic”, or able to produce new cells and pathways, and it is possible to train the circuitry (回路) in the brain to promote more positive responses. That is, a person can learn to be more positive by practicing certain skills that foster positivity. For example, Dr. Fredrickson’s team found that six weeks of training in a form of meditation (the act of thinking deeply and seriously about something for a long time) focused on compassion and kindness resulted in an increase in positive emotions and social connectedness and improved function of one nerve that helps to control the heart rate. The result is a more variable heart rate that, she said in an interview, is associated with health benefits like better control of blood glucose (血糖) and faster recovery from a heart attack. Dr. Davidson’s team showed that as little as two weeks’ training in compassion and kindness meditation brought changes in brain circuitry linked to an increase in positive social behavior.
“The results suggest that taking time to learn the skills of self-produced positive emotions can help us become healthier, more resilient, and more social,” Dr. Fredrickson said. “In other words,” Dr. Davidson said, “well-being can be considered a life skill. If you practice, you can actually get better at it.” By learning and regularly practicing skills that promote positive emotions, you can become a healthier and happier person. Thus, there is hope for people who are negative should they choose to take steps to develop positivity.
In her newest book, Dr. Fredrickson reports that “shared positivity — having two people caught up in the same emotion — may have even a greater impact on health than something positive experienced by oneself.” Consider watching a funny play or movie or TV show with a friend of similar tastes, or sharing good news, a joke or interesting things with others. Dr. Fredrickson also teaches “loving-kindness meditation” focused on directing good-hearted wishes to others. This can result in people “feeling more harmonious with other people at the end of the day,” she said.
65. By mentioning “downers” in Paragraph 3, the author wants to show that _____.
A. everyone can easily handle negative emotions
B. negative emotions are unavoidable in everyone’s life
C. positive people may not have certain negative emotions
D. there is an effective way to deal with negative emotions
66. What is the main idea of the fourth paragraph?
A. How the amygdala gets its name.
B. How the amygdala can be activated.
C. The function and effect of amygdala.
D. The involvement of amygdala in risk management.
67. According to researchers, the training in meditation can lead to the followings EXCEPT _____.
A. more changeable heart rates
B. a lack of social connectedness
C. better controlled blood glucose
D. a change in certain brain circuitry
68. The underlined word “resilient” in the last but one paragraph probably means “being able to _____”.
A. learn fast
B. avoid stresses completely
C. take action immediately
D. recover quickly
69. Which of the following is discussed in the last paragraph?
A. Ways to share positivity with others.
B. Reasons for practicing loving-kindness meditation.
C. Ways to foster positive emotions.
D. Reasons for the popularity of Dr. Fredickson’s book.
70. The purpose of the passage is to _____.
A. teach us how to practice meditation effectively
B. show the benefits of developing positive emotions
C. stress the importance of enjoying positivity with others
D. present the influence of various feelings on one’s well-being
There are a number of learning theories that emphasize (强调) how direct experience leads to learning. However, a great deal of learning does not happen directly. For example, think of how a child watches his parents wave at one another and then imitates (模仿) these actions. A huge amount of learning happens through this process. In psychology, this is known as observational learning, which describes the process of learning through watching others, remembering the information, and then copying the behavior of others. While it can take place at any point in life, it tends to be most common during childhood as children learn from the authority figures (权威人物) and peers in their lives.
Psychologist Albert Bandura is a researcher who gives support to learning through observation. He and other researchers have shown that we are naturally inclined (倾向) to engage in observational learning. Actually, we can see lots of observational learning in action: a child watches his mother folding the laundry (刚洗好的衣物), and later he picks up some clothing and imitates folding the clothes; a boy watches another boy in the playground get into trouble by hitting another child, and learns that he shouldn’t hit others; a young couple go to a Chinese restaurant and watch other diners in the restaurant eating with chopsticks, and learn how to use these things by copying  their actions.
According to Bandura’s research, there are many factors that increase the likelihood that a behavior will be imitated. We are more likely to imitate people we view as warm and cultured, people who often receive rewards for their behavior, people who are in an authoritative position over our lives, people who are similar to us in age and interests, and people who we admire. In addition, we are more likely to imitate people when we do not believe in our own knowledge or abilities.
Observational learning can be a powerful learning tool. When we think about the concept of learning, we often talk about direct instruction or methods that rely on reinforcement (强化) and punishment. But a great deal of learning relies on watching the people around us and modeling their actions. This learning method can be applied in a wide range of settings including job training, education, counseling, etc.
Observational learning
Introduction to observational learning ●It is a kind of learning caused by (71) _____ experience.
●It refers to the process of watching and imitating others.
●It (72) _____ to people of all ages, especially children.
(73) _____ of observational learning ●Watching his mother folding clothes, a child learns to do it.
●Seeing another boy cause (74) _____ for himself, a boy realizes it is wrong to hit others.
●A young couple learn to eat with chopsticks after observing other diners do it.
Factors that
(75) _____ observational learning
●We’re more likely to imitate models who appear warm and cultured, who are often (76) _____, who are authoritative, who have much in (77) _____ with us, and who are admirable.
●A lack of (78) _____ can make us more likely to imitate others.
Applications of observational learning ●Much of the knowledge that we have gained is (79) _____ on our observations.
●This learning method can be used in (80) _____ fields.
第五部分:书面表达 (满分25分)
If you stop eating meat, your food-related carbon footprint could drop to less than half of what it was. That is a much bigger drop than many previous estimates (估计), and it comes from a study of people’s real diets.
About a quarter of our greenhouse gas emissions (排放物) come from food production. But it’s not clear how much would really be saved if people changed their beef steaks for tofu burgers.
So Peter Scarborough and his colleagues at the University of Oxford took data on the real diets of more than 50,000 people in the UK, and calculated (计算) their diet-related carbon footprints.
They found that the benefits could be huge. If those eating more than 100 grams of meat a day went vegetarian, their food-related carbon footprint would drop by 60 percent, saving about 1.5 tonnes of carbon dioxide a year.
Perhaps more realistically, if someone eating more than 100 grams of meat a day simply cuts their consumption down to less than 50 grams a day, their food-related emissions would fall by a third. That would save almost a tonne of carbon dioxide each year.
1. 用约30个单词写出上文概要;
2. 用约120个单词谈谈你对低碳生活的理解以及如何做到低碳生活。
1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;
2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;
3. 不必写标题。
21-25 DBDCB 26-30 CAADB
31-35 CADBC 36-40 CABCA  
41-45 BDBAD  46-50 DACDC  
51-55 DCBAB 56-60 DCDCA
61-65 ADCDB 66-70 CBDAB
71. indirect 72. applies 73. Examples 74. trouble
75. influence / affect 76. rewarded 77. common 78. confidence
79. based 80. various
One possible version:
According to a study of people’s real diets, going vegetarian can reduce food-related carbon dioxide emissions by 60 percent, and even reducing the consumption of meat can make a big difference.
The “low-carbon” lifestyle is a new way of living which aims to lower carbon dioxide emissions as much as possible in order to protect the Earth. As protecting the Earth means protecting our own home, it is our responsibility to live a low-carbon lifestyle.
There are many things we can do to live a low-carbon lifestyle. We can take the bus, ride our bicycles or even walk whenever possible instead of travelling by car. Besides, to reduce the use of energy, we can turn off the lights when we are not using them. What’s more, we can use both sides of pieces of paper to reduce waste.
I believe by doing so we can make the Earth a better place.

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