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时间:2019-09-23    作者:    阅读:

Unit 3 Science and nature
21. Not all people can understand the problems that most overweight teenagers are faced with, _____ they were once one of them.
A. until    B. unless C. because D. if
22. That child is a _____ — he keeps ringing the doorbell and then running away!
A. catastrophe B. relation C. pest D. spy
23. Jeffrey stood in the door for several minutes and looked at the piece of paper in his hand carefully _____ he had found the right office.
A. confirmed B. to confirm    C. to be confirmed  D. having confirmed
24. Some people are not _____ mixed marriages on the grounds that differences in race, religion and culture may contribute to many family conflicts.
A. in favour of  B. in memory of  C. in charge of    D. in praise of
25. Evan shortened his trip to Turkey due to illness, _____ had included an overnight bus to Cappadocia.
A. what B. that    C. where D. which
26. Opinions are sharply divided as to _____ the unintended harm caused by the Internet will be greater than its benefit.
A. whether B. what C. that D. why
27. The shop is overstocked with food not only because there is more food available, but also because people, ______ by high prices, are buying less of it.
A. frightening B. frightened C. to frighten D. frighten
28. That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with _____.
A. income B. summary C. permission D. profit
29. Since the new drug was developed, numerous studies _____ to determine whether it has the desired effect.
A. are conducted B. have conducted
C. have been conducted D. are conducting
30. It’s great to work hard, but if you _____ yourself _____, you will not be able to enjoy the results of all your hard work.
A. burn; out B. make; out C. let; out D. pick; out
31. There is no doubt that women are more likely to be _____ into jobs as teachers or nurses.
A. transformed B. inserted C. channeled D. modified
32. If my car had been as _____ as it used to be, I would have driven to Lhasa instead of flying last summer.
A. attractive B. original C. unique D. reliable
33. The company is faced with huge debts, which are _____ to the progress of the company.
A. a ball and chain B. a piece of cake
C. a feather in its cap D. a bad egg
34. No decision _____ about any future arrangement until all the candidates have been interviewed.
A. will be made B. is made
C. is being made D. has been made
35. —How do you like the travel plan for our summer holiday?
—Oh, it’s perfect. _____.
A. I couldn’t agree more B. Nothing could be better
C. It can’t be too worse D. The more the merrier
Having positive self-esteem (自尊) enables us to live an active life of security and confidence. Having negative self-esteem  36  us to live an anxious life of insecurity and  37 . Unfortunately, negative self-esteem is what I have had to  38  for much of my life.
My dad was a very successful businessman, strong-willed and determined. He was also very  39  with me. He expected only the best from me. He focused on my  40  performance and demanded (要求) top grades.  41  I was in fact a good student, an accomplished pianist, an editor of the school newspaper, I was  42  good enough in his eyes. My mom, on the other hand, was interested in my  43 . She always shopped with me at the most expensive shops and bought the most  44  clothes for me. I needed to  45  beautifully and properly to meet her  46  of being an elegant (优雅的) woman. In fact, my appearance only helped to  47  the feelings of insecurity and anxiety that I felt from my dad.
I was thirty-six years old when my mom passed away. I was lonely, sad and lost.  48  my then sixteen-year-old daughter was concerned about me. It is not easy going from feeling  49  most of the time to feeling peaceful. It is not easy  50  a life filled with negative self-esteem into a life that now includes positive self-esteem. With the  51  from my daughter, I have discovered that I am a person of  52  and that I have a lot to give to myself and to others.
For those who have experienced or are experiencing similar  53  to what I have been through, please believe that there is  54 . There is a life for you that is worthy and a life for you that includes self-respect and self-love. Don’t  55  yourself, and you’ll certainly have a bright future.
36. A. persuades B. reminds C. forces D. promises
37. A. pride B. shame C. surprise D. doubt
38. A. battle with B. come across C. take away D. point out
39. A. satisfied B. honest C. strict D. familiar
40. A. athletic B. economic C. artistic D. academic
41. A. As if B. Even though C. Unless D. Since
42. A. already B. still C. never D. nearly
43. A. appearance B. health C. wisdom D. personality
44. A. comfortable B. ordinary C. practical D. stylish
45. A. learn B. design C. dress D. operate
46. A. challenges B. expectations C. targets D. conditions
47. A. hide B. share C. describe D. inspire
48. A. Suddenly B. Obviously C. Strangely D. Thankfully
49. A. guilty B. bored C. anxious D. confused
50. A. fitting B. turning C. starting D. bringing
51. A. encouragement B. approval C. respect D. response
52. A. quality B. worth C. intelligence D. experience
53. A. dreams B. consequences C. attacks D. struggles
54. A. harmony B. hope C. luck D. honour
55. A. give up on B. worry about C. toy with D. keep up with
Since 2003 the Champaign School of Music has helped thousands of beginning ─ advanced students of all ages to play the music they love.
Thanks again to the Champaign School of Music for sponsoring (赞助) this edition of our Weekend Planner.
Our picks:
What: Goodrich Quality Theaters Presents Morning Movies
Where: Savoy 16
When: Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings; 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Get there early!
How much: $1 per ticket, free for Frequent Moviegoer Club cardholders
Appropriate (适合的) for: All ages
Why you should go: This weekend's movie is Hotel Transylvania 2. Funny, a little bit frightening, and also spicy (刺激的) at times. Read the Common Sense Media rating to judge the appropriateness for your family.
What: Exhibit Opening: Fawnsweet and Fatmuckets
Where: Interpretive Center, Homer Lake Forest Preserve
When: Saturday, September 2; 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
How much: FREE
Appropriate for: All ages
Why you should go: Come check out the Interpretive Center's special exhibit for 2017! There will be fun water-related activities offered throughout the day.
What: FETCH! Pet Care Hoppin' Hound Egg Hunt
Where: The Champaign Bark District Dog Park
When: Saturday, September 2; 12:00-1:30 p.m. 
How much: FREE
Appropriate for: All ages 
Why you should go: Bring the whole family to the only egg hunt your pet can enjoy as much as you do. Enjoy treats and refreshments (点心) for dogs and humans, activities for the kids, pet photography, and prizes. The hunt starts right at noon!
What: Spurlock Museum WorldFest
Where: Spurlock Museum
When: Saturday, September 2; 12:30-4:00 p.m. 
How much: Suggested donation: $5
Appropriate for: All ages
Why you should go: During WorldFest, the museum celebrates the wonderful variety of performance arts practiced around the world and offers hands-on activities to everyone.
56. Where should kids go if they are interested in water games?
A. Savoy 16.
B. Spurlock Museum.
C. The Champaign Bark District Dog Park.
D. Interpretive Center, Homer Lake Forest Preserve.
57. How is Spurlock Museum WorldFest different from the other three?
A. It's free of charge.
B. It holds plenty of activities.
C. It's suitable for people of all ages.
D. It combines art appreciation and doing.
Jack White is a 17-year-old student who has already published a collection of poetry with a local publisher. Jack believes switching to an all-boys school from his coed (男女同校的) high school changed his life.
“When I was at my coed school, poetry was for girls not boys. Guys were supposed to like subjects like math, computers, and science. When I wrote poems, the guys at school used to make fun of me and girls didn't want to date me. At my new school, things are different. I don't worry what girls are thinking since there aren't any.”
Jack may not realize that boys and girls also learn and think differently based on specific biological developments. These differences affect how and when boys and girls learn, so single-sex education is actually better for children.
Take, for example, brain development. The areas of the brain involved in language, feelings, physical coordination (协调), and social relationships, develop in a different order and speed in girls and boys. Research has shown that girls' brains develop the connections between language and emotions earlier than boys' brains. In a single-sex classroom, everyone's brain is developing at similar speeds, so teachers can teach according to their students' actual abilities.
Boys and girls also have different hearing abilities. Girls have a sense of hearing which is two to four times better than boys. Women teachers often speak more quietly, so boys may have more difficulty hearing a woman teacher if she is talking in her “normal” voice. The teacher needs to speak louder to get the boys' attention. In a single-sex school, teachers do not have to keep adjusting their voice.
Jack might not be aware of the biological arguments why single-sex education is better, but he realizes that he is learning faster at his new school. As Jack says, “I hated writing and studying English in my old coed school, but now I'm a published poet! My new school helped me become comfortable with who I really am.”
58. Why does the author say single-sex education is better for children?
    A. Girls are smarter than boys.
    B. Boys are easily distracted by girls.
    C. Boys and girls have natural differences.
    D. Boys and girls are good at different subjects.
59. What will happen in a single-sex classroom?
    A. All students learn at the same speed.
    B. Teachers have to work extremely hard.
    C. Students will learn to express their feelings fast.
    D. Teachers know students' abilities and teach accordingly.
60. When teaching boys, women teachers should _____.
    A. act bravely    B. speak softly
    C. raise their voices    D. lay down strict rules
Imagine a world where your doctor could help you avoid sickness, using knowledge of your genes as well as how you live your life, or where he would treat you with drugs that he knew would work and not have side effects.
Such a future is arriving faster than most people realize: genetic tests are already widely used to identify patients who will be helped or harmed by certain drugs. Several years ago, a number of new companies set themselves up to interpret the genetic information for customers. Through shop fronts on the Internet, anyone could order a testing kit (成套设备), spit (吐唾沫) into a tube and send off their DNA — with results downloaded privately at home. Already, customers can find out their reactions to many common medications.
The industry has been subject to criticisms. It stands accused of offering information that is too dangerous to trust. What’s more, it is charged with offering irrelevant and misleading nonsense. The US Government Accountability Office (GAO) also revealed what the industry has openly admitted for years: the results of disease-prediction tests from different companies sometimes conflict with one another, because there is no industry-wide agreement on standard lifetime risks.
Governments hate this sort of disorder and the US government, in particular, is considering regulation. But three things argue against wholesale regulation. First, the level of interference (干涉) needs to be based on the level of risk a test represents. The government does not need to be involved if someone decides to trace his ancestry. Second, the laws on dishonesty should be tough enough to deal with the snake oil salesmen who promise to predict, say, whether a child might be a sporting champion. And third, science is changing very fast. Fairly soon, a customer’s whole genome (基因组) will be sequenced (排序), not merely the parts thought to be medically relevant that the testing companies now concentrate on, and he will then be able to get the results through open-source interpretation software downloadable from anywhere on the planet. That will create problems, but the only way to stop that happening would be to make it illegal for someone to have his genome sequenced — and nobody is seriously suggesting that a tight restriction.
Instead of reacting in an unfriendly way to the trend that people take genetic tests, governments should ask themselves how they can make best use of this new source of information. Restricting access to tests that inform people about bad reactions to drugs could do harm. The real question is not who controls access, but how to minimize the risks and maximize the rewards of the useful revolution.
61. Present genetic tests are able to _____.
 A. help people avoid getting sick
 B. find out the causes of many common diseases
 C. identify people’s reactions to certain common drugs
 D. help doctors treat patients with the most powerful drugs
62. According to Paragraph 3, the industry of genetic tests _____.
A. has gained support from GAO
B. has no established industry standards
C. has to prove the correctness of the tests’ results
 D. offers dangerous but useful information to customers
63. The snake oil salesmen are mentioned to show that _____.
A. the salesmen of genetic tests are usually dishonest men
 B. the results of genetic tests can be used to predict one’s future
 C. governments should interfere in the genetic tests industry when necessary
 D. severe laws are needed to prevent the dishonesty in the genetic tests industry   
64. What is the author’s attitude towards genetic tests?
A. Unfriendly. B. Objective.
C. Curious. D. Supportive.
Are you a different person when you speak a foreign language? That’s just one of the questions The New Yorker writer and native North Carolinian Lauren Collins explores in her engaging and surprisingly meaty book about her great efforts to master French after marrying a Frenchman whose name — Olivier — she couldn’t even pronounce properly. When in French ranges from the interesting personal experiences to a deeper look at various theories of language acquisition and linguistics.
The couple meet in London “on more or less neutral ground: his continent, my language.” But the balance shifts when they move to Geneva for Olivier’s work. The normally talkative Collins finds herself at a loss — “nearly speechless”. The language barrier, and her dependence on her husband for simple transactions like buying the right cut of meat worsen her mixed feelings about “unlovely, but not ugly” Geneva. She comments, “Language, as much as land, is a place. To be cut off from it is to be, in a sense, homeless.”
Her sense of loneliness prompts an examination of America’s woeful (糟糕的) record when it comes to foreign languages: “Linguists call America ‘the graveyard (墓地) of languages’ because of its ability to take in millions of immigrants and extinguish their native languages in a few generations,” Collins writes. Educated in Wilmington, N.C. and at Princeton, she spoke — like the vast majority of Americans — only one language.
Eight months after she lives in Swiss, Collins gives up on language acquisition by osmosis (潜移默化) and finally signs up for an intensive French course. The New Yorker writer wisely focuses on these lively first-hand experiences rather than her research-heavy explanation about linguistic theory. As she deals with grammar and vocabulary, Collins notes that vert (green), verre (glass), ver (worm), vers (toward), and vair (squirrel) make up a group of homonyms (同音异义词). “Despite its claim to be clear, French is in fact difficult to learn,” she says, efficiently making her point about the difficulties of gender with this example: Le poêle means stove, while la poêle is a frying pan.
Yet French is actually considered among the easiest languages for an English speaker to learn, especially compared with Arabic or Chinese. Collins, whose notably rich English vocabulary includes “glossolalia” (nonsense speech) and “shibboleth” (catchword or slogan), finds plenty of terrific French words to love — including “frilleuse” for a woman who easily gets cold, and “belle-mere”, far more appealing than the charmless “mother-in-law”. She writes, “English is a trust fund, an unearned inheritance (继承物), but I’ve worked for every bit of French I’ve banked.”
Collins’s goals of learning French are modest: “I want to speak French and to sound like the French.” She also wants to be able to deal with chimney sweeps and butchers (肉贩), communicate with her in-laws, and “to touch Olivier in his own language.”
Readers looking for the romantic spark of classic cross-cultural love stories featuring an emotional American and a restrained Frenchman will find it here. Among the many cultural differences the couple argue over is her enthusiastic American habit of using the verb “love” to express enthusiasm for shoes, fruits, and friends. Besides, those who have weathered linguistic crossings themselves are likely to find particular resonance (共鸣) in its inquiry into language, identity, and transcultural translation.
Arranged by chapters named for verb tenses, When in French works its way from The Past Perfect (Le plus-que-parfait) to The Present (Le Présent) and The Conditional (Le Conditionnel). Collins ends on an upbeat note with Le Futur — fitting for a new mother about to move with her hard-won French husband and Swiss-born daughter to the francophone city of her dreams, Paris.
65. What do we know about Lauren Collins from the first two paragraphs?
A. She is a native New Yorker.
B. She met her husband in Geneva.
C. She is an expert on language acquisition.
D. She got into an unpleasant situation when living in Geneva.
66. The underlined word “extinguish” in Paragraph 3 probably means “_____”.
A. make something disappear
B. make something understood
C. make something official
D. make something unique
67. Collins uses the example of “le poêle” and “la poêle” to show that _____.
A. it’s impossible to learn French by osmosis
B. there are many homonyms in French
C. French is really a difficult language
D. French is totally different from English
68. The underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 probably means _____.
A. Collins’s English is of little help to her French learning
B. Collins has inherited her English ability but has difficulty mastering French
C. some French words are far more appealing than English words
D. Collins’s purpose of learning French is to deal with bankers
69. The last paragraph mainly talks about _____.
A. the theme of the book
B. the writing style of the book
C. the background of the book
D. the structure of the book
70. The author’s purpose in writing this passage is to _____.
A. recommend the book When in French
B. introduce the writer of When in French
C. explain linguistic theories mentioned in When in French
D. encourage people to travel to France after reading When in French
第四部分:任务型阅读 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
We receive many messages from our success-driven society that tell us we need to figure things out on our own and avoid asking others for advice. While independence, self-education and personal drive are all good qualities, at times we may miss out on learning from others who have already achieved success. Finding a great mentor (导师) can fill in the gaps in your knowledge and help you reduce your stress and make your journey to success more enjoyable.
A mentor is a person with more experience than you, who can guide you into mastering the practical skills you need for your career in a shorter period of time than you could do on your own. A good mentor will let you know when you’re straying from (偏离) the best course. However, he’ll also have the wisdom and patience not to just hand out advice or try to control your decisions. A good mentor has the goal of helping you become confident and successful in your given field. Even after you have mastered the skills you set out to learn, a mentor can still provide a positive relationship and be a person you can go to if new questions come up.
Everyone involved in a company or an organization can experience the benefits of mentoring relationships. The most obvious benefit is for people being mentored. They can gain skills and experience in a given field, as well as avoiding the mistakes they would have made on their own through trial and error. People in the role of mentor experience the satisfaction of contributing to other people’s well-being and growth and also develop their own interpersonal skills.
So don’t hesitate to find a proper mentor for yourself. However, the perfect mentor is unlikely to walk into your office one day without any effort on your part. Finding the right mentor takes time. This is because the right match may not be the first person you approach or even the second or third. You need to identify several people in your field whose success and personal qualities you admire, and then find out as much as you can about them before you approach them. Be sure to choose someone who is happy and well-balanced in their career, not just successful by external factors like wealth and reputation. Overall, keep taking action each day to connect with people you think might be a good fit for you. The more you connect with others and get clear about your goals, the more chances you will have of finding a mentor that can help you take your career to the next level.
Having a mentor
Introduction ● We are often educated to be (71) _____, which, however, may result in missing a chance of learning from others.
● It’s a good idea to find a great mentor who is always helpful on our way to becoming (72) _____.
Qualities of a mentor ● A mentor is a person who is more experienced than you and able to offer you the (73) _____ you need.
● A good mentor can (74) _____ you straying from the best course.
● A good mentor aims at bringing (75) _____ and success for you and is someone you can always rely on.
Benefits of mentoring relationships ● With the help of a mentor, you’ll become more (76) _____ and experienced and be able to avoid some mistakes.
● While mentoring others, you can gain a sense of (77) _____ as well as self-improvement.
Ideas for finding a proper mentor ● Be (78) _____ when finding the right mentor because you can’t find one overnight.
● Identify a few successful people in your field with (79) _____ personal qualities, and try to find out as much as possible about them before visiting them.
● Don’t choose those who are (80) _____ and badly-balanced in their career.
第五部分:书面表达 (满分25分)
Meat and milk from the offspring (后代) of cloned animals may have entered the US food supply, the US government said, but it would be impossible to know because there is no difference between cloned and conventional products.
  The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said meat and milk from cloned cattle and goats and their offspring were as safe as products from traditional animals. Before then, farmers had followed a voluntary moratorium (暂停) on the sale of clones and their offspring.
  While the FDA evaluated the safety of food from clones and their offspring, the US Agriculture Department was in charge of managing the transition of these animals into the food supply.
  Supporters say cloning is a way to create more disease-resistant animals that produce more milk and better meat. Critics claim not enough is known about the technology to ensure it is safe, and they also say the FDA needs to address concerns over animal cruelty and ethical problems.
1. 用约30个单词写出上文概要;       
2. 用约120个单词分析克隆动物的肉制品和奶制品供人食用的利弊,并就此问题发表你的观点。
1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;
2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;
3. 不必写标题。
21-25 BCBAD 26-30 ABDCA 31-35 CDAAB 36-40 CDACD
41-45 BCADC     46-50 BADCB    51-55 ABDBA 56-60 DDCDC
61-65 CBDBD 66-70 ACBDA
71. independent 72. successful 73. guidance 74. prevent / stop
75. confidence 76. skilled / skillful 77. satisfaction 78. patient
79. admirable 80. unhappy / sad
One possible version:
It was said that meat and milk from clones and their offspring may have been on sale. Opinions are sharply divided as to the safety of such food.
It has been reported that such food can be of great help. For example, the cloned animals can produce tastier meat and milk that offers better nutrition. But on the other hand, there are still some scientists who doubt the safety of such food. Besides, the cost of cloning is so high that ordinary people may not be able to afford such meat and milk.
As far as I’m concerned, more tests on such food are needed to ensure its safety. Before its safety is confirmed, the government should perform a careful examination of such food and be cautious about bringing it to the dinner table. What’s more, such food should be marked and separated from normal food so that customers can choose as they want.

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