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时间:2019-09-23    作者:    阅读:

I must have sounded very proud of myself after the quiz, saying how easy it was and how I was sure to get a good grade.  (P2)
【解读】“must have sounded”表示对过去情况的肯定推测。
  情态动词must, should / ought to, will / would, can / could, may / might均可表示推测,它们可以对过去、现在或将来的情况作出语气强弱不同的推测。在运用情态动词表示推测时,我们应该着重把握以下两点:
1. 把握推测语气的特点,选择恰当的情态动词。
  表示肯定推测的情态动词语气所表达的肯定程度由弱到强依次为:might / may → could / can → should / ought to → would / will → must。might / may / could / can表示“可能”;should / ought to / would / will表示“很有可能”;must表示“最有可能”。
2. 判断被推测的时间,确定情态动词后所跟动词的形式。
◆对现在或将来的情况进行推测时,用“情态动词+ be / do”。如:
There must be something wrong with the engine.
If you don’t have a guide, you could lose your way.
◆对此刻正在进行的情况进行推测时,用“情态动词+ be doing”。如:
At this moment, our teacher must be correcting our exam papers.
He may / could be doing his homework in his room now.
◆对过去的情况进行推测时,用“情态动词+ have done / been”。如:
You must have learnt the news if you had read the newspapers.
Mark could have done better, but he didn’t try his best.
He didn’t come to school yesterday. He might have been ill.
◆对过去一段时间或某一时间段正在进行的情况进行推测时,用“情态动词+ have been doing”。如:
They might have been playing basketball the whole morning yesterday.
Your mother must have been looking for you when you were in hospital. 
【小试牛刀】 单项填空。
1. You _____ be Carol. You haven’t changed a bit after all these years. (重庆 2015)
A. must      B. can          
C. will               D. shall
2. Harry is feeling uncomfortable. He _____ too much at the party last night.     
A. could drink    B. should drink
C. would have drunk    D. must have drunk
3. The children _____ lost in the woods; otherwise, they would have been at the lakeside camp as scheduled.                                     (陕西2013)
A. must have got    B. must get    
C. should have got      D. should get
4. There’s a lot of noise from next door. They _____ a party.
A. must have been having B. should have  
C. must be having    D. should have had
I told my brother about the quarrel, but he said Matthew is just too sensitive and perhaps a little bitter because I am really athletic and good at football, and that I had better find another friend.   (P3)
1. bitter作形容词,本义为“有苦味的”。如:
Some pills are too bitter to swallow.
2. bitter也可意为“感到不快的,嫉妒的”(如划线部分所示),常与介词about搭配使用;常见短语:a bitter pill (to swallow) 严酷的现实;(难以下咽的)苦果。如:
My sister feels very bitter about losing her job in a big company.
The fact that his friends no longer trusted him was a bitter pill to swallow.  
3. bitter还可意为“难以接受的,引起悲痛的”。如:
Losing the match was a bitter disappointment for the team.
These photos of my father stirred up many bitter memories.
1. 班里大部分同学对这次选举结果都感到不满意。
2. 过去惨痛的教训告诉她,这事没法和她的丈夫商量。
3. 黑咖啡在嘴里会留下苦味。
4. 史密斯先生的年纪太大,找不到工作。这是多么残酷的现实。_________________________________________________________________
【原句1】 1-4 ADAC
1. Most of the class feel bitter about the result of the election.
2. She knew from bitter experience that it would be impossible to talk it over with her husband.
3. Black coffee leaves a bitter taste in the mouth.
4. Mr. Smith is too old to find a job. What a bitter pill to swallow.
When deciding what is most important in life, some people choose money, while others choose things like security and comfort.   (P19)
本句的时间状语部分When deciding ... in life中省略了主语和系动词。在时间状语从句中,当从句的主语与主句的主语一致,且从句的谓语动词含有be时,可省略从句的主语和be。如此用法使句子结构更加简单,又不失逻辑。
a. If (he is) given the same treatment again, he will surely get well.
b. She hurriedly left the room as though (she was)angry.
c. He is a good man, though sometimes (he is) rather boring.
1. 这些房间虽然面积小,但宜人又通风。
The rooms, ___________________, are pleasant and airy.
2. 没让你讲话,你最好什么都别说。
You’d better say nothing ___________________.
3. 她彷佛茫然不知身在何处,犹犹豫豫向四周打量。
____________________, she hesitated and looked round.
4. 若按说明服用,这药不会有任何副作用。
____________________, the drug has no side effects.
5. 不管我有多饿,我好像从来都吃不了一整份披萨。
____________________, I never seem to be able to finish off a whole pizza.
6. 按原定计划,选举活动于上周五进行。
__________________, the elections were held last Friday.
Life is no fun without a companion to share it with.                    (P19)
1. 否定词+具有否定意义的虚词(如without, unless等)。如:
a. No smoke without fire.
b. He won’t go to sleep unless you tell him a story.
2. 否定词+具有否定意义的实词
(1)否定词+动词(如deny, discomfort, ignore, disagree等)。如:
a. The sharp reply did not discomfort him.
b. The company says it is the biggest fruit packing company. Nobody disagrees.
(2)否定词+名词(如doubt, failure, lack, refusal等)。如:
No doubt I learned a lot from him.
(3)否定词+形容词(如impossible, uncommon, useless等)。如:
a. No way is impossible to courage.
b. It is not uncommon for students to have friendly relationships with their teachers.
3. 具有否定意义的实词(代词、形容词等)+具有否定意义的虚词。如:
a. None of us will leave school without learning anything.
b. It seems impossible that I could have walked by without noticing her.
I. 单项填空。
1. A serious study of physics is impossible _____ some knowledge of mathematics.
  (2013 新课标全国卷II)
A. against     B. before   C. beyond   D. without
2. This project requires close teamwork. _____ will be achieved unless we work well together.                                                   (安徽 2013)
A. Nothing        B. Anything     
C. Something      D. Everything
II. 根据括号内的提示翻译下列句子。
1. 没有护照就不能出国。  (cannot ... without)
2. 无人不信任他。 (nobody)
3. 如果你学习更努力些,下一次通过考试也不是不可能。  (not impossible)
4. 这里不乏积极提供帮助的人。     (no lack of)
5. 你不能不给我这个机会。     (cannot deny)
1. though small
2. until / unless asked
3. As if unsure of where she was
4. When / If taken according to the instructions
5. However hungry 6. As scheduled
I. 1. D       2. A
1. You can’t leave the country without a passport.
2. Nobody does not believe in him.
3. It is not impossible to pass the examination next time if you work harder.
4. There is no lack of willing helpers.
5. You cannot deny the chance to me.

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